
Notes from online courses

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Getting Started with Kafka - a Pluralsight course by Ryan Plant

Module 1 - Course overview

Module 2 - Getting started with Apache Kafka

Module 3 - Apache Kafka Architecture 

Producers and Consumers are decoupled by the topic construct. They don’t need to be aware of each other, they only need to know the topic to produce to and consume from. 

Distributed systems

Module 4 - Understanding Topics, Partitions, and Brokers

Installation setup
Message offset (bookmark / placeholder)
Message retention policy
Underlying basis

Partitions - how topics are implemented in the physical world and how within this physical realm, Kafka is able to operate and deliver upon its amazing promise

Consumers are responsible for reconciling order of messages consumed from different partitions of topic

Partitioning trade-offs

If in-sync replicas (ISRs) and quorum is same => healthy state

Module 5 - Producing Messages with Kafka Producers

Creating a Kafka Producer

Kafka Producer s/Messages/Records/g

Delivery Guarantees

Producer can specify

Ordering guarantees

Module 6 - Consuming Messages with Kafka Consumers and Consumer Groups

Kafka Consumer Internals