
Notes from online courses

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Microservice Fundamentals - Plurasight course by Mark Heath

Module 1 - Course Overview

Module 2 - Introducing Microservices

Microservices is an architectural style that has rapidly grown in popularity over the last decade. And it has the potential to solve problems in modern distributed software applications like being resilient to errors, having a flexible architecture that can adapt to new requirements, having a good performance and to keep data secure.


Later in the course

What are microservices?

An architectural style where autonomous, independently deployable services collaborate to form an application / software system.

Why do we need microservices? The Problem of Monoliths

The Benefits of Microservices

The Challenges of Microservices

Good news is that there is a growing body of tools and processes to help succeed with microservices and overcome the above challenges

Module 3 - Architecting Microservices

Evolving towards microservices
Microservices own their own data
Components of a microservice
Microservices are independently deployable
Identifying Microservice Boundaries