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Exchange Traded Funds - SGX SIP Online Education Module

Exchange Traded Funds

How ETFs track an index

ETFs in SGX-ST can be divided into 2 types. The difference in these two types of ETFs is the replication method used to track the performance of the underlying asset


  1. Direct replication
    • The ETF directly invests in the same constituents and in the same proportion as the underlying index to closely track the performance of the underlying index.
  2. Statistical or representative sampling
    1. The ETF invests in a selected number of constituents of the underlying index to track the performance of such index.
    2. This method is commonly used when the issuer wishes to employ physical replication but the index has too many constituents, making it difficult to acquire and manage the proportion of all the index constituents.


ETF Advantages

While ETFs and Unit Trusts are both managed by professional fund managers there are some key benefits for ETFs

  1. Lower fees and transaction costs
    1. ETFs allows you to trade funds much like shares and at much lower costs than unit trusts
  2. Transparency and tradability
    1. ETFs typically reveal their holdings daily
    2. With ETFs you can quickly enter and exit positions at any time during trading hours using rates that reflect real-time market conditions

Unit trusts: if you invest in a unit trust, your money is pooled along with other investors’ resources and are invested in a portfolio of assets based on the unit trust’s stated investment objective and investment approach. A unit trust is a fund that adopts a trust structure, but not all unit trusts have a trust structure

ETF Risks

Market Risk

Foreign Exchange Risk

This occurs when

Liquidity Risk

Tracking Error

Bid-Ask Spreads